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New IYCN/IUPAC Joint Project “Global Conversation on Sustainability”!

The IYCN is pleased to announce the launch of a new IYCN/IUPAC joint project entitled “Global Conversation on Sustainability” (GCS).

The GCS project is aligned with the goals of IUPAC and the IYCN to tackle the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by raising awareness and implementing sustainable practices on a chemistry basis. It aims to connect and engage chemists and related professionals from the chemistry enterprise in taking effective actions towards sustainability targeting the SDGs and keeping track of their progress. The project will result in the following benefits:

1) Implement sustainable practices’ culture among the chemistry community;

2) Promote the engagement of young and established chemists and professionals in taking action for the benefit of society and sustainability of our planet;

3) Showcase activities pursued locally that could be applied nationally/internationally;

4) Launch synergies across different countries and continents in implementing sustainable practices;

5) Highlight opportunities for younger chemists to volunteer within IUPAC projects by enhancing the IYCN/IUPAC synergies.

We plan to coordinate a one-day virtual event worldwide every year focusing on sustainability towards a common good. Each event will be independently organized and this year, it will take place on September 25th. Please note it down and actively join us in this global conversation by organizing your own event!

We will soon provide guidelines about the event framework through instructional videos and manuals for easy access to information and to promote the engagement of the chemistry community worldwide. Possible formats include panel discussions, breakout room sessions and lecture series aiming at engaging individuals and/or organizations, chemical societies, academic institutions, industry, government, non-governmental organizations, policymakers, etc in fruitful conversations about actions to be taken in addressing the SDGs.

Please keep an eye on the IYCN and IUPAC websites and social media channels for updates on this project!

Kind regards,

João Borges

Task Group Chair

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